Pleasure Cruise
Formerly known as the Guilty Pleasures – PLEASURE CRUISE is the #1 Yacht Rock band in Las Vegas!
Come on, admit it, you miss the smooth rock jams of the 70s and early 80s. These are the songs you hum along to in an elevator, sing out loud in the shower, or scream at the top of your lungs when cruising up and down the Pacific Coast highway in that convertible you rented on your last summer vacation!
If you think these experiences were reserved only for those few fleeting moments in time that had you ‘Reminiscing’ of the good old days, well…that’s ‘What a Fool Believes’. If you’re looking for a place that you can sing these songs out loud, with hundreds of others who share in your same affinity for a good Pleasure Cruise, ‘This is It’!
It’s time to succumb to your desires and join the boys of Pleasure Cruise on your ‘Escape’ down memory lane.
Stop asking yourself ‘How Long’ has it been since I’ve truly had a good time? Grab a sparkling glass of Riunite, ‘Steal Away’ and ‘Ride Like The Wind’ into the experience of a lifetime. Pleasure Cruise promises you will wake up on board the next morning with one thought on your mind . . .’Oh, What a Night’!
Come on, admit it, you miss the smooth rock jams of the 70s and early 80s. These are the songs you hum along to in an elevator, sing out loud in the shower, or scream at the top of your lungs when cruising up and down the Pacific Coast highway in that convertible you rented on your last summer vacation!
If you think these experiences were reserved only for those few fleeting moments in time that had you ‘Reminiscing’ of the good old days, well…that’s ‘What a Fool Believes’. If you’re looking for a place that you can sing these songs out loud, with hundreds of others who share in your same affinity for a good Pleasure Cruise, ‘This is It’!
It’s time to succumb to your desires and join the boys of Pleasure Cruise on your ‘Escape’ down memory lane.
Stop asking yourself ‘How Long’ has it been since I’ve truly had a good time? Grab a sparkling glass of Riunite, ‘Steal Away’ and ‘Ride Like The Wind’ into the experience of a lifetime. Pleasure Cruise promises you will wake up on board the next morning with one thought on your mind . . .’Oh, What a Night’!
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