Sarah Thiele
Acoustic Solo Acts
As a kid my mother was a dancer, my father a drum builder. I have a younger and an older brother who both play instruments as well.
Growing up, art and music was everywhere.
I’ve been so fortunate. From an early age, my parents recognized my love for the piano and did everything, literally, to help nurture that. Not long after I began playing I began writing, and again, they did everything
in their power to help encourage it.
At some point my parents made the decision to move to a bigger city. They were already driving there at least once (but sometimes up to three times ) a week
for lessons, recitals, competitions. They made the transition to provide the three of us opportunity, to encourage us developing our persons and our passions on a bigger scale.
I know, I have amazing parents.
Through the course up until this point my life experiences, some
great, some not so great are the root of the reason I do what I do.
It’s life that gives me the thoughts I put on paper, it's life that's made me want to speak up, slow down, rock out.
So here I am now. I create music. I write, I sing and I play. And there is nothing I’ve found that compares to the feeling I get when I see that something I’ve created has left a mark on someone else’s life experience.